Self-service Password Change for Emapta managed Computer
Make it a habit to regularly reset your login credentials (connected to your workstation password) before they expire:
Option 1: eAutomate
1. Click start or From the task bar, click the Emapta ‘E’ icon.
2. On the menu, select ‘Change my Password’
3. Change your password’ window will appear, Ensure that the status is ‘Connected’, enter your new password. and Click ‘Submit’. Enter the OTP sent to your email and Click ‘Change Password’.
Option 2: Launch Pal
1. Open Launch Pal from the desktop.
2. On the menu, select ‘Change my Password’
3. Change your password’ window will appear, Ensure that the status is ‘Connected’, enter your new password. and Click ‘Submit’. Enter the OTP sent to your email and Click ‘Change Password’.
Note: Recommended Password Complexity
• Minimum of 8 characters
• Combination of numbers and letters
• Minimum one capital letter
• Minimum one special character